Gurbaksh Chahal should be enjoying his life. He's made an estimated $150 million, wrote a bestselling book, lives in an opulent penthouse and was officially declared buff. But on Facebook it's clear the guy is going through hell. It's about his Ferrari, and it's just awful.

"Why does this crap always happen to me?" read a status update posted by the online advertising entrepreneur last night. "Ferrari dealer calls to inform me they've wrecked my car while taking it for a drive but doesn't want to take responsibility. Epic fail." This made Chahal vomit. Literally! And he needs a punching bag.

Read a screenshot of the Facebook thread on your right for more details. (Click the image to expand.) If you want to offer condolences, just Google; the onetime Secret Millionaire guest makes himself very, very easy to find all over the internet. Poor guy is probably sobbing his way through his cigar and wine cabinet and and getting tears all over his zebra skin kitchen mat as we speak. He may just have to retreat to his other multi million dollar home, and re-read about the hundreds of millions of dollars he still has coming to him.

[Photo, top, via Getty]