The high price of a pint of beer in Britain is a pretty hot issue. Through extensive research, we recently concluded that many Britons were switching to cocaine because it's more affordable. Now, to take advantage of new tax breaks, breweries are developing weaker beers — and taste testers seem to like them! The Independent reports on some promising poll results:

Camra's [Campaign for Real Ale] survey also concluded that 52 per cent of drinkers would consume a lower-strength beer if it were available in their local. Among the tasting panel, all said they would drink a low-alcohol beer if it were 50p cheaper.

A more affordable beer is great and everything, but it also just sounds like a lot more work to get drunk. With the new law, 2.8 percent beers will enjoy a 50p (around 80 cents) tax break. But how much more beer will you have to drink to get that same warm, just inhaled a 10-course meal feeling you're accustomed to? Okay, so not everyone drinks just to get drunk, but still. This sounds like a rip off.

[Independent; image via Flickr/platform 3]