On Thursday, Rolaine Foigelman of Tonawanda, N.Y. pleaded guilty to endangering the welfare of an incompetent person based on an incident in which she tried to stop bystanders from helping to save her son's life. Hey, at least nobody will accuse her of being a helicopter mom now.

Back in June, "sixty-8-year-old" Foigelman and her disabled, 43-year-old (forty-3-year-old?) son were dining at the Boulevard Family Restaurant when all of a sudden the son began choking on his food. Other diners tried to help him, but Ma Foigelman was having none of that—telling the good Samaritans to just "let him die" and, as one report claims, even trying to grab the phone out of the hand of a restaurant employee who was calling 911. Turns out that attempting to stop others from saving the lives of disabled people is a crime, so Foigelman was arrested on a misdemeanor charge. She now faces up to a year in jail.

Which do you think is better for the long-term health and well-being of Foigelman's son: having his mom in jail, or having his mom free to "care" for him? It is a difficult question! Maybe someone can show him how to sell his mom at Taco Bell, so he can use the money to buy a better mom.

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