Obama adviser David Axelrod has started calling Standard & Poor's major diss of America's credit rating the "Tea Party downgrade," which certainly sounds like an insult against the Tea Party. Yet the Partiers themselves seem to be embracing Axelrod's wannabe-pejorative as a compliment.

The above video, posted by the grassroots/progressive/not Scott Walker-supporting PAC We Are Wisconsin and elaborated upon by Mother Jones, was taken at an event hosted by the Tea Party Express in the town of Fond du Lac. L'Express has been riding its big glorious art-bus all over the Cheesehead State, trying to get people to vote for their terrible Republican state senator friends who might be recalled at the election booths this Tuesday. (One of the speakers allegedly told the crowd that the recall elections are just like 9/11.)

The woman talking in the video's from Florida, but she understands Wisconsin's pain. But also their pride! For they and their folding chairs made the downgrade happen, and have therefore secured their place in American economic history. Haterz gonna hate, objectivizers gonna objectivize.

[Mother Jones]