Comments of the Day: The Lauren Bush Lauren Continuum

Today we learned that Lauren Bush, daughter of Neil, will take the last name of her new husband David Lauren, son of Ralph. So she's Lauren Bush Lauren! Amazing. Just think of the weird possibilities with a name like that. Actually, some of you did think of them.
If they named a plant after her, it would be the Lauren Bush Lauren bush.
If her father-in-law named a brand of clothing after her, it would be the Ralph Lauren Lauren Bush Lauren line.
If they named an international strain of pot after her, it would be Lauren Bush Lauren kush, foreign.
If they had a couples' night with the costar of "Rescue Me," the headline would be "David Lauren and Lauren Bush Lauren's Date With Larenz Tate."
And if she went on the road opening for a Gavin Rossdale band reunion, it would be the Bush/Lauren Bush Lauren tour.
And if she started a law firm with Ralph Lauren and her uncle as the other two senior partners, she would be Lauren Bush Lauren of Lauren, Bush, Lauren.
And she could have a morning drive show entitled "Ambush: Lauren Bush Lauren A.M."
Or a kids' game show with Ralph Lauren, jazz vocalist/pianist Lisa Lauren, and retired Cameroonian footballer Laureano "Lauren" Bisan-Etame Mayer entitled "Duck, Duck Goose with Lauren, Lauren, Lauren, Lauren Bush Lauren."
And then sophomoric brought it home:
While draped in Ralph Lauren's Lauren Bush Lauren line, Lauren Bush Lauren's bush smoked some of that Lauren Bush Lauren Kush, and spent the rest of the day sitting on Lauren Bush Lauren's Tush.
[Photo via Getty]