In your brave Wednesday media column: the journalism job outlook is... okay, another News of the World arrest, Tavis Smiley is peeved at Obama, an editor flees the HuffPo, and Dick Cheney interview time approaches.

  • So you wanna be a journalist? Let's roll those very latest "average starting salary" numbers, courtesy of an annual survey out of the University of Georgia! $30K. That's the median starting pay for new graduates. The good news is that slightly more journalism grads are finding actual full time jobs now—almost 50%! But let's not forget the level of fun in journalism: 100%. Ha, no actually it's also about 50%. We were trying to cheer you up.
  • Yet another arrest in the News Corp phone hacking scandal! They shall never cease. This time it's former News of the World editor Greg Miskiw, who is being held on suspicion of phone hacking. Yeah.
  • Declarative PBS host Tavis Smiley says that Barack Obama is the "first president in my professional career that hasn't invited me to the White House." I wouldn't say Tavis is angry about it but... he's giving Obama that look. That Tavis Smiley look! You guys know what I'm talking about. That Tavis Smiley look.
  • Maura Egan is leaving her position as deputy entertainment editor at the Huffington Post. No wonder.
  • NBC News has landed the first interview with Dick Cheney about the publication of his upcoming memoir, out at the end of this month. Great. You guys keep him there, keep him distracted, and I'll call The Hague.

[Photo via Shutterstock]