Bank-Robbing Stripper and Brothers Caught After Car Chase, Gun Battle

The brief, delightful August reign of the Doughtery gang has finally come to an end, in exactly the way you'd expect a nationwide manhunt for a bank-robbing stripper and her two brothers to end: A high-speed car chase and a gun battle.
The Dougherty siblings—Lee Grace, 29, the aforementioned stripper; Dylan, 26; and Ryan, 21, "set to register as a sex offender and serve 12 years probation for sending nearly 400 sexually explicit text messages to an 11-year-old girl he met online"—allegedly robbed a bank in Georgia and tried to kill a police officer in Florida last week, following which they disappeared for a week, either on the road or perhaps into the "sophisticated underground bunker system" that was built in the home where they lived. It's been a while since we've had a family gang here in America, and since none of our family gangs, to my knowledge, have had strippers in them—especially not strippers with Flickr accounts—the fugitives got a lot of attention.

But their flight couldn't last forever, and today all three were apprehended in Colorado by state troopers today, after leading the cops on a 20-mile chase down the interstate. When their car crashed, Lee Grace emerged with her gun (presumably the same AK-47 she used to rob a bank in Florida) and exchanged fire with authorities before taking a shot to the arm or the leg, depending on which story you hear. One of the brothers escaped on foot but was quickly caught and arrested; all three are likely to be extradited.
(As for Lee Grace's philosophical fiancé Brendon Bookman:
"Thank God it is over," Bookman said. "I am pleasantly surprised they are alive. I always wanted to see it happen this way as opposed to a Randy Weaver-type situation where someone got killed. I am glad they are alive."
Bookman said plans for marrying Lee Grace Dougherty "are probably over."
"By the time she is out of jail, I will be in a diaper," he said.
Brendon! We keep telling you: Don't be so negative.)