[There was a video here]

Here's a trailer Coriolanus, an adaptation of the Billy Shake-a-speare play that marks Ralph Fiennes' debut as a director. It looks good! Lots of yelling and fighting and whatnot.

And lest the trailer make you think the movie, which takes the action out of ancient Rome and puts it in a modern Balkansy kind of place, is just a lot of silly bluster, strong reviews suggest otherwise. Plus, what a cast! It's always great to see Vanessa Redgrave, especially in a different mode than "wise older woman." Here, playing Fiennes' mother, she gets some real meat to chew on. Speaking of meat, animate mutton leg Gerard Butler is on hand as the enemy turned ally of Coriolanus (who's set up for success in Rome, then betrayed and banished), so maybe he'll clean off some of that Ugly Truth/P.S. I Love You/Bounty Hunter/Gamer/Law Abiding Citizen stink. We've also got mysterious newcomer Jessica Chastain, who's just in everything these days all of a sudden, and the always marvelous Brian Cox. Quite a group!

If you're scared of getting bored by the Shakespeareyness of it all, and there's no shame in that, there are explosions and battle scenes that were shot by Hurt Locker cinematographer Barry Ackroyd, so they ought to be exciting. All told, we might have a new Kenneth Branagh on our hands. Quick, someone find Ralph Fiennes a superhero movie to direct. I'm feeling maybe The Flash?