Good Housekeeping's Bathrooms a 'Hot Mess of Sickness'
In your spotless Tuesday media column: more stories of magazine poop, business journalists web-surf predictably, a Florida politico type applauds the layoff of newspaper "pieces of shit," AMI's not for sale any more, and alt-weeklies bombarded with cash.
- In a new survey, business journalists say that they get most of their media news from the New York Times, followed by Romenesko, the WSJ, Mediabistro, and "Twitter." Well, okay, fine, but most of the stories on those sites actually originated here. Particularly the ones about poop.
- And speaking of poop! We received this hot insidery response to our post yesterday on Glamour's "Mystery Shitter" mystery of mystery:
I worked at Good Housekeeping for about 6 months and I've NEVER such disgusting bathrooms. They have really nice stalls too, like floor to ceiling white pristine looking stalls but as soon as you opened a stall you were assaulted with shit, piss, toilet paper, just a hot mess of sickness. Pretty bizarre-o for good HOUSEKEEPING. Also, it was like this weird unsaid thing, like after being their for 3 months, I mentioned it to a colleague and they were like, "OMG, you haven't talked to anyone about this? It's disgusting" ... Freaks.
- Minor Florida political functionary Jon Yapo is getting lots of crap for Tweeting about how happy he was about 20 layoffs at the Orlando Sentinel, because "They are liberals pieces of shit who make my life a personal hell." (Jon also notes in his Twitter bio that he likes the Red Sox, red meat, and bourbon, the Asshole Trifecta). You'd expect us to join in the chorus condemning him, but come on: we pray every day for assholes like Jon Yapo to get fired. The least we can do is allow him to do the same to us. Fair is fair.
- National Enquirer publisher AMI is no longer for sale! Apparently they were not happy with the offer they received. I bet if you make them a better offer, AMI will be for sale once again!
- Some sort of "narrative fiction experiment" art project has resulted in real live $10 bills being sent out to alt-weekly staffers and who knows who else. The backstory is here, and it's incredibly complex, and it must have taken hours and hours to put together, which makes sense because the going rate for journalism now is approximately $1/ hr.