This married reality show host is getting to know one contestant really well. This singer's multiple plastic surgeries have led to an infection. And these two relationships are in peril. Maybe they should go on a reality show to work them out.

1. "This married, network reality host is sleeping with one of the contestants on the show. Oh, not the first time." [CDaN]

2. "Which Grammy-winning singer is battling a serious MRSA infection due to his numerous plastic surgery procedures? The entertainer's botched face has been the talk of Hollywood and Las Vegas for years, but now his thin frame and freaky features have people whispering louder than ever!" [Blind Gossip]

3. "Making a tough situation even worse, this already estranged B+ list couple now have an extra thing splitting them apart. That woman he met in rehab thinks they are a couple. The problem is his wife found out. Things are not looking good on this homefront at all. Probably the most tense relationship in Hollywood right now." [CDaN]

4. "After being separated from her lover for over a year now, and in a new relationship, this MTV reality star is contemplating winning him back. He wanted to have a baby but she didn't want to gain weight and want[ed] to party. She's been shopping surrogates and plans on presenting the idea to him when he comes to LA for an upcoming event. If he says ‘yes,' she'll dump her current boyfriend and work on starting a family. If he denies her, she plans on getting pregnant herself with her current boyfriend just to make him jealous." [BuzzFoto]