TV Guy Gets No Jail Time for Doing Something with 14-Year-Old Prostitute

Marvell Scott used to be the sportscaster guy on WABC-TV in New York City. Now he's a doctor. A doctor who just got sentenced to zero jail time for being "inappropriate" with a 14 year-old prostitute. Huh?
Prosecutors say that in 2008, Scott hired a hooker, took her up to his apartment, and then—after getting her friend to come upstairs with her, because she was scared—had sex with her. She turned out to be a 14 year-old runaway who was being controlled by a Times Square pimp.
Marvell Scott's version of what happened: He only asked the girl up to his apartment because she was crying in the street, and he's a helpful type of guy. He pleaded guilty to "inappropriately touching" the girl but got out of the statutory rape charge. He was sentenced to 20 days of community service. And he says he only pleaded guilty because—although he did nothing wrong—"I was not comfortable with dragging this troubled teen through a trial."
So: if the prosecutors' version is true, that sentence is outrageous. If Marvell Scott's story is true, the whole case is outrageous. Ehhh... split the difference, give him some community service. Justice!