Facebook stalking is a lonely pursuit. But you've got company whenever you ogle your friends' impossibly interesting lives: Facebook's watching your every move. Now you can reveal a secret list of who Facebook thinks you've been stalking the most.

Just drag this link to your browser bookmark bar. (It's safe.) Visit your Facebook, click on the link and, yikes, there's a ranked list of the people you've been stalking on Facebook, along with a number we'll call the Creep Factor.

What does the list show, besides the fact you still haven't gotten over your high school sweetheart? Facebook uses an algorithm called Edgerank, to rank your friends by how much you interact with them, in order to give you better search results and filter your newsfeed. The link appears to reveal one part of Facebook's EdgeRank. The web developer who discovered the link, Jeremy, says that, " I can only guess, but it seems like they order it based on who you interact with, whose profile you look at and who you have recently become friends with."

Just be careful with this thing, as it reveals the sticky social balm you're applying to your most bored and vulnerable moments. The results are disheartening in much the same way a hard look into your soul is.

Note: If you're one of the people smart enough to have turned on Secure Browsing (https) on Facebook, you're going to have to turn it off for this to work.

[TheKeesh via Mashable. Image via Shutterstock]