You'd be forgiven if you'd mistakenly thought you were experiencing déjà vu as you thumbed through the Sunday New York Times, as two nearly identical front-page features ran in the Styles and Business sections. Each offered its own, fellated love letter to an emergent breed of carefree young fucks.

The first — bearing the headline "The Night Is Young" and accompanied by a large color photograph of a roomful of inebriated twentysomethings in rut — documents a number of budding Hamptons nightlife impresarios who "themselves are barely old enough to drink." The second — bearing the headline "In Silicon Valley, the Night is Still Young" and accompanied by a large color photograph of another roomful of inebriated twentysomethings in rut — details the "time warp" currently underway in "California's tech land," a magical realm where bubbles grow to the size of small planets and working at Airbnb is cause in and of itself to party the night away and/or investigate dormant lesbian impulses on a dance floor.

Rest assured, however, that for everyone in-between, the night is definitely in full bloom. [NYT, NYT]