Google has updated its list of the most visited sites on the web, and it looks like Facebook got one trillion pageviews in a single month. Gee, all the hard core internet research we've all been doing at work and all the serious essays and poetry we've been reading at home must be in Google's statistics somewhere, right?

Let's see, Facebook is at number one with a trillion, number two is probably... Actually not quite:

1. 1,000,000,000,000 pageviews
2. 100,000,000,000 pageviews
3 78,000,000,000 pageviews
4 540,000,000 pageviews

And Gmail and Google should probably both be in that list, but Google doesn't disclose its traffic for competitive reasons. On the bright side, No. 5 is Wikipedia, which is both educationally focused and very reliable for any topic related to a televised work of science fiction. And we're sure the New York Times would have cracked the top 100 if people weren't so busy becoming better citizens on Netflix, Photobucket and Tumblr.

[Image via YouTube]