Welcome to the Best Stuff Ever Series, Your Guide to the Best Stuff Ever

It's a big, wide, webbed world out there, and for you smartphoners bright enough to have one with an unlimited data package, it can be tricky to figure out where to go for the good stuff. So, in celebration of T-Mobile's new Best Plan Ever—with unlimited data, talk and text—we've teamed up with America's Largest 4G Network to bring you a little something we like to call The Best Stuff Ever Series.
Below you'll find the films you should be watching, the music you could be downloading, the games you'll want to play and the twits you could be tweeting at—all on your phone. But only if you have the best plan out there.

You know how it goes: There's nothing on TV but Mad Men reruns and a Nova special about the mating rituals of jungle cats. (Come to think of it, both shows are kind of about the same thing.) Cue the miracle that is Netflix's Watch Instantly section. With a constantly updating library, there is always something ready to watch within reach. Here are some that you shouldn't miss.
Manhattan: The best thing about Instant View is that you have a chance to watch all the classics you've never seen, without having to fess up to your friends. Catch Manhattan before Netflix stops streaming it on September 1, and stop flubbing your way through conversations by saying how much you love the scene with the lobsters.
The Universe: Were you aware that the universe is really just a spot on the back of a terrapin that's riding a dragon that's running through a meadow that's actually made entirely of children's laughter? What? Yes? You already knew that? Then perhaps you should check out this History Channel documentary about the formation of the cosmos.
A Whole Bunch of James Bond: Sure, you've seen Goldfinger and you're all too familiar with Octopussy, but when was the last time you saw Moonraker, or The Living Daylights? Starting on September 1, Netflix will be streaming a whole slew of 007 classics, so slick your hair back, grab your shaker, and proceed in a stealthy manner.

Music is good for a lot of things: warding off subway crazies, providing a soundtrack to an otherwise boring jog, inspiring an impromptu dance party. So we're here to help you load up your droid with the best new releases so you can curate playlists so fresh for fall that your primary function on Earth will be to remind all of your friends and coworkers that they really need to upgrade their music.
The Rapture, In the Grace of Your Love: Break out your fancy fancy dance pants on September 6 for the release of the first album in 5 years from The Rapture. You can preview the first single now. And though it shares a title with the seminal dance band of 40 years ago, the Bee Gees, it sounds nothing like them. Thankfully. Click here to pre-order the full album.
MC Frontalot, Solved: The original nerdcore rapper released his latest concept album (concept? hacking) on August 24, this time with help from members of the funnycore: Kristen Schaal, Eugene Mirman, and The Daily Show's Wyatt Cenac. Resistance is futile with song titles such as "Nerd Versus Jock" and "Victorian Space Prositute." Click here to order or download.
Stephin Merritt, Obscurities: What everyone really wants from former Magnetic Fields auteur Stephin Merritt is a replica of 69 Love Songs, but since that beautiful creation will never be duplicated, we'll take what we can get from Mr. Melancholy. His latest full-length arrived via swan wing from the heavens on August 23. Click here to order or download.

Productivity always takes priority, but even the most productive people have to take breaks sometimes. In fact, studies show most people need about a five-minute mental vacation for every hour of work. So here are some games for your phone that won't take up too much time, but are still incredibly fun.
Office Jerk: The greatest way to guarantee unemployment in this rough economy is either to get a law degree or throw things at your employers. Instead of heading to prison, release your work frustration with Office Jerk. You can fling objects at an imaginary coworker without a single real-world repercussion.
Scrabble Helper Pro: If you already have Words with Friends or are are just playing a game of Scrabble, Scrabble Helper Pro is an incredible reference. By covertly entering in your letters, you can find every option available and even the definitions to justify playing "qi" or "qat" again.
Robot Unicorn Attack: The lunatic asylum colloquially known as Adult Swim paired up with a gaming company and created Robot Unicorn Attack—because nothing makes as much sense as having a unicorn chase fairies and charge through rough terrain while jumping and spouting rainbows. There's only two buttons, but the endlessly scrolling screen and an single song on loop make it the game that might, in theory, never end—yet no one seems to have that kind of talent. It's as difficult as it is entertaining and games frequently don't last more than 60 seconds.

Sometimes you want to be entertained, and sometimes you want to be informed. The amazing thing about the Twitter-verse (Twitter-sphere? Twitter-burbs?) is that it's capable of doing both. Below are some top accounts you should start following, like, right now.
@KatieLinendoll: Cute, nerdy, and totally on-point, tech expert and media personality Katie Linendoll will keep you up to date on all that's going on in the gadget world. Plus you can expect the occasional outpouring of devotion to the WWE.
@TastingTableNYC: In case you don't already receive Tasting Table's daily foodie newsletters, you can follow all their gastronomical updates here. Not in NYC? Never fear, hungry friend. They have accounts for cities all across the country.
@Mental_Floss: Need to know how toilet paper is made? Or what year Bruce Jenner hosted Celebrity Double Dare? Mental Floss Magazine's Twitter feed is a constant, free-associated stream of amazing facts and quirky blips of knowledge.
See! Unlimited data means unlimited options! And T-Mobile is the only carrier to bring you unlimited data, plus unlimited talk, plus unlimited text with their $49.99 per line Family Plan. Seriously—Best Plan Ever Head here to get signed up now, and check back soon for the next edition of the Best Stuff Ever Series.