The clock is ticking as residents along the East Coast prepare to suffer the wrath of Hurricane Irene. Will it actually be as bad as everyone is saying? As you can see from these photos, lots of people are taking the "better safe than sorry" approach. So fire up your "Come on Irene" jokes (if you're the sort of person who would make one of those), board up all the windows, and prepare to loot your nearest grocery store. Irene is upon us!

[Image via Getty]

A 7-Eleven in Ocean City, Maryland boards up its windows. [Image via Getty]

Residents of Coney Island stock up on water before the mandatory evacuation goes into effect. [Image via Getty]

Stores all along the east coast close before Hurricane Irene's arrival. [Image via Getty]

Residents in Ocean City, Maryland anticipate the coming of Irene. [Image via Getty]

Shoppers descend upon grocery stores for the last minute essentials. [Image via Getty]

A community along the Eastern Seaboard boards up their storefront before evacuating. [Image via Getty]

Signs similar to the one on this New Jersey storefront are becoming increasingly popular along the east coast. [Image via Getty]

Residents fill bags with sand to form barriers in Maryland. [Image via Getty]