Comment of the Day: The Michele Bachmann Gaffe Scale

Today we heard that Michele Bachmann wants to turn the Everglades into an oil field and her fellow crazy, Allen West, said that was an "incredible faux pas." Was it? That's all? What might then call Bachmann's other insane statements? A commenter laid it out.
Michele Bachmann said something that was an incredible faux pas....
Well, at least there's a definition now. If she says something blatantly wrong and fellow tea partier actually disagrees with her, it's an "incredible faux pas".
By that logic....
If she says something blatantly wrong that borders on horrifying (see Birthplaces, John Wayne Gacy), it must be a "rakish gaffe".
If she says something blatantly wrong that borders on mortifying (see Death, Elvis Presley), it must be a "playful misstep".
If she says something that borders on plain fucking stupid (see Great Looks in Anti-Americanism, United States Congress), it must be "spirited solecism".
Thanks for clearing that up Tea Party! I will now proceed in referring to Michelle Bachmann as a "doltish bajingo"....
[Photo via Getty]