Comment of the Day: The Great Troll Campaign Debate

Today we heard that Google and Fox News are teaming up to put on a Republican presidential candidate debate, which will feature questions submitted by online users. Yikes! That can't go well, fears one commenter.
Wait... they're going to do live questions based on internet polls?
... why do I smell the biggest /b/ troll of all time?
Moderator - "Well apparently the #1 question in the country is 'U Mad Bro?'. Congresswoman Bachmann get the question."
Bachmann - "Umm... I guess I am... I'm mad at Barack Obama for raising the debt ceiling and not creating jobs!"
Moderator - "Thank you Mrs. Bachmann. It looks like the next most popular question is 'Tits or GTFO!'. Question goes to you Mr. Gingrich."
Gingrich - "Well I guess... if that's what the American public wants?" *starts unbuttoning his shirt*
[Photo via Getty]