College Professor Wanted for Dealing Meth, Leading Biker Gang

Cal State San Bernardino associate professor Stephen Kinzey not only taught kinesiology, but he was allegedly the leader of a meth-selling biker gang, the Devils Diciples. The Los Angeles Times reports that an arrest warrant is out for Kinzey after police raided his home and found all sorts of goodies. And while we say allegedly, this guy's exteme goatee kind of gives him away. But still, this is pretty crazy:
The six-month investigation culminated with a joint drug task force raiding Kinzey's home Friday, recovering a pound of methamphetamine as well as a number of rifles, handguns and biker paraphernalia, [Sheriff Rod Hoops] said.
And no one saw this coming? The guy had a pound of meth and an arsenal in his house! Of course it's not shocking that this happened in San Bernardino. But in a May posting on Rate My Professors, one student was definitely aware that something was up with Kinzey:
He's a really good guy and would give you the shirt off his back. But something serious must have happened to him because he shows up late, and rambles on about random and controversial topics. He lost his focus & passion for teaching. His behavior lately makes it seem like he wants to get fired. Sad because I really enjoyed all of his classes.
[LAT; images via Chris Howey/Shutterstock, Cal State San Bernardino]