Oprah is the Queen of All Media, except the internet, apparently. Traffic on her website has plummeted since she quit her TV show in May, and now she's seeking help from Facebook and Twitter to boost her stats.

According to the Post, traffic on Oprah's website has halved over the past few months, and now she's seeking out Twitter CEO Dick Costolo and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg to save her dwindling internet interests. Could it be that, with the end of Oprah's show, all of her fans became so self-actualized that they don't even need to use the Internet anymore and just exist in an ethereal state of all-knowing? Probably. This is why Oprah is is meeting with social media bigwigs, to figure out how to best induce anxiety and sadness in internet users such that they need to constantly refresh her site, much as they do Facebook and Twitter.

[Image via Getty]