GOP Gun Raffle in Giffords County 'Stupid,' 'Successful'

Republicans in Pima County, Ariz., where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head eight months ago, had a brilliant idea for a fundraiser: Let's raffle off a gun! Who cares if it's the same brand as the gun used in the Giffords shooting?
Well, a lot of people. But proving once again why Arizona is #1, the scrappy Republican party managed to stop commenting on YouTube just long enough to make the fundraiser so successful the party had to add a second gun:
The Pima County Republican Party's controversial gun raffle fundraiser was such a success that they ended up raffling off another weapon.
The notoriety fueled such demand, said interim Chairman Mike Shaw, not only did the raffle for the Glock pistol sell out, but they subsequently raffled a deer rifle as well.
Republican City Councilman Steve Kozachik described the raffle as "incredibly stupid." Oh yeah, "Steve"? Is the second amendment "incredibly stupid"? GOP executive committee member Mike Ebert said the raffle did "exactly" what it was intended: "Anytime you want to challenge First and Second Amendment rights, it's going to get conservatives off their butts."
[AP/Arizona Daily Star; picture of Arizonan Jeff Miller via AP]