Imene Nouis, a 31-year-old Colorado mom, has been cited for child abuse after leaving her baby cry and cook in the hot hot heat of the family car during a quick trip to the tanning salon. At least she had rolled up the windows and locked the doors so nobody could steal the baby, though!

Nouis had been inside the At the Beach Tanning Superstore for about 11 or 12 minutes when the cops showed up in the parking lot to rescue her one-year-old from the car, which had quickly turned into a 135-degree death trap. Nouis reportedly told the officers that she'd decided against carrying the baby into the Tanning Superstore with her because she "didn't want to wake up the sleeping child." Little did she realize that brain-frying heat also wakes up sleeping children. She's since realized the seriousness of her mistake and is "extremely remorseful."

When you combine this story with the one about the mom who left her kid in the rain to go drink in a bar, you start to get the idea that there's no "perfect" weather for abandoning your kids in public places, even temporarily. But there's a lot of other different types of weather that we haven't covered yet, and we'll probably get to them as America's parents continue parenting.

[NYDN, 9 News]