Some students at the College of Charleston in South Carolina are calling for the impeachment of their student body president because he posted super-offensive tweets about other students on the Twitter. But is their campaign driven by morality or revenge? Maybe both! Let's see if we can figure out which party's acting the most assholish here.

In one corner we have Student Government Association president Ross Kressel, who earns $10,000 a year in public funds serving as the voice of his fellow students. Like so many politicians who have come before him, Kressel used his electronic devices for self-destructive purposes. His bundle of career TNT came in the form of @CofCPolitico—a Twitter account where he posted political insights such as these:

  • "Just saw big tits freshman, who is now asophomore"
  • "Sororitute just gave me the bitch glare"
  • "Ah yes, funny looking flamming [sic] black kid things he is funny and looks like Paul Bradley. I have my fingers crossed he doesn't roll his eyes"

In the other corner we have College of Charleston student Peter Ruegner and members of the Student Government Association executive board, who are calling for Kressel's impeachment. Ruegner has posted reproductions (i.e. regular screenshots, but also photographs of computer screens that are just like 89-year-old grandpas make) of the offending tweets on his blog; he received them, he says, from executive board members. FWIW, Kressel says @CofCPolitico was a private Twitter account. Did he let the board members follow it even though it basically consisted of insults about them? Either he's a practitioner of Radical Honesty or an expert at burning bridges.

According to the Charleston City Paper, Ruegner plans to file a Freedom of Information Act request to see if Kressel was tweeting about tits and other things while at work. Incidentally, last year he lost the presidential election to Kressel. Mmmm-hmmmm. Whatever his motivations are, he seems to have the support of current SGA executive board members, who met on Thursday and decided to pursue impeachment proceedings against Kressel. Numerous sources, including a lawyer acquainted with the South Carolina's Open Meetings Act, say the meeting was illegal, but it looks like the impeachment's going forward anyway.

Just like a professional politician, Kressel's issued a public apology for being a jerk. But isn't Ruegner also being a jerk by threatening a FOIA over tweets, which literally take two seconds to make? And isn't the executive board also wrong for holding undemocratic meetings?

The only reasonable conclusion we can come to here is that everybody involved sucks.

[Charleston City Paper, Cougar Media Network, Peter Ruegner's blog. Image via Cougar Media Network]