[There was a video here]

Remember when Serena Williams went all Joe Pesci on a line referee at the US Open two years ago? Well, during today's women's final match (which she lost in straight sets to Samantha Stosur), she did it again. Here's a video of Williams' full outburst.

After being called for a code violation during the second set for yelling "Come on!" at her ball before it had reached Stosur, Williams approached chair umpire Eva Asderaki to argue the call and said "Are you the one who screwed me over last time? Yeah, you are." (She wasn't.)

During the next changeover, Williams really unleashed:

If you ever see me walking down the hall, look the other way, because you're out of control. You're out of control. You're totally out of control, you're a hater, and you're unattractive inside. Who would do such a thing? And I never complain. Wow. What a loser... We're in America last I checked. Can I get a water, or am I gonna get violated for a water? Really, don't even look at me! I promise you, don't look at me, 'cause I am not the one. Don't look my way.

Williams, who never complains, also refused to shake that unattractive hater Asderaki's hand at the end of the match, because she's such a great sport who never complains. Never!