[There was a video here]

Consternation!! Alarm!! Here is a shocking video of NYPD officers at the West Indian Day Parade, in which the cops appear to be enjoying themselves and interacting positively with the community, instead of preventing shootings that were happening blocks away, possibly at a different time altogether!

The video, initially uploaded to WorldStarHipHop.com, the Wikileaks Of People Who Abuse Capital Letters, shows two guys in NYPD uniforms "Daggering On The Parkway! (Grinding And All)." The women initiate the dancing, the cops join in an exaggeratedly goofy way, and the passersby smile and laugh. It's a nice video of cops and community members getting along and having fun... if you love murder.

"While these officers were having fun," writes Fox 5's Linda Schmidt, "gunfire broke out along other portions of the parade route." If only these officers had engaged with parade-goers in the traditional NYPD way—stopping and frisking all of them for no reason—those shootings would have been prevented!

For the record, here is what some other police officers, who were not dancing with anyone, were doing during the parade:

So, I don't know! Dancing sounds okay, comparatively.

[WorldStarHipHop, Fox5]