Here's a pro-tip for all you would-be romantics out there: If your girlfriend has taken out a restraining order against you, show up on her doorstep with some friends to play her some Dylan tunes! No, wait—don't. Don't do that.

If only this lovesick obsessive Swedish fellow had gotten our advice in time!

It was around 11pm one evening in June 2011 when the 50-year-old would be troubadour stood outside his ex-girlfriend's balcony, guitar in hand, the Metro newspaper reported.

The love-sick man had also cobbled together a group of five other men to serve as vocal accompaniment for the late-night live performance, each of whom donned hoodies with their hoods up.

But soon after the man began to serenade his ex, who had previously taken out a restraining order against him, she called the police, leaving 50-year-old guitarist blowin in the wind.

"I had the idea that I'd play a Bob Dylan song for her," the man told police. (No word on which song, unfortunately.) Which reminds us of another pro-tip! If you're going to do the whole "show up at her house with a guitar" thing, choose an uncomplicatedly romantic artist. Like, you know, Chris DeBurgh, or something? Dylan is maybe a little bit "difficult" for the doorstep serenade.

Oh, here's another pro-tip: If you're doing this with your friends, don't have them wear hoods, because then you look like a cult that has decided to sing "You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go" outside someone's house.

[The Local, image via AP]