"I don't encourage fighting, it's not the right thing to do," says concerned Long Island mom Daphne Melin, who's just been arrested for allegedly encouraging her tween daughter to fight and for beating on a 12-year-old.

Melin, 32, was just tired of all the girls bullying and cyberbullying her daughter at school. "Nobody is doing anything, and they keep doing these hurtful, hurtful things, she told New York's ABC 7. "They harass her in school." Mean things, like "bitch" and "whore" and "'s' word," on Facebook. So Melin took her kid to the schoolyard to confront the cyberbully-girls. When her daughter said she didn't want to fight, because she's a pacifist or something, Melin allegedly recruited another girl to fight in her daughter's stead. Then she got really excited, as documented by a video of the prize fight-like proceedings:

Anti-Bullying Mom Allegedly Assaults 12-Year-Old Girl
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"Take her down! Let's fight!" an adult voice shouts as two girls dressed in shorts and tank tops slap, kick, shove and pull each other's hair in the wild video, obtained by The News Tuesday.

The source of the video said the crazed adult voice belongs to none other than Melin, who can be seen milling about the tween tussle, her fists clenched.

"Punch her in the face, that's right!" she shouts as a group of kids cheer "Awesome," and "Get her!"

"That's right, kick her right in the face," the adult voice yells ...

As the fight wound down, Melin allegedly "cursed and spat" on a 12-year-old girl, then kicked her and kneed her in the neck and head. She's been charged with endangering the welfare of a child and attempted assault and could go to prison for a year. Shit, you try to help your kid out and this is what the system does to you. No wonder cyberbullies think they can get away with saying all those hurtful, hurtful things.

[NYDN, ABC Local]