A Nebraska Cannabis Coalition activist who was attending Willie Nelson's concert at the Nebraska State Fair was told by state troopers that she couldn't wear her "Don't Panic, It's Organic" t-shirt because of a vague "fair policy" that doesn't even prohibit pot-themed t-shirts. Or pot-themed musicians, apparently!

Nelson, a known marijuana enthusiast, was not only allowed to perform at the fair, but even got to play his song, "Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die." How couldhis THC-inspired artistry be more offensive to the morals of fair-goers than activist Sally Stricker's tee? State Fair Executive Director Joseph McDermott doesn't supply the Journal Star with any meaningful explanation, other than that fair policy disallows "anything illegal" on state fairgrounds. Given that pot-themed shirts are a form of constitutionally protected speech, that's not actually relevant! Especially when you consider that Stricker saw a vendor "selling Willie Nelson shirts with pot leaves" right there at the show.

The state troopers told Stricker she could either turn her shirt inside-out or change it. She opted for the latter, and put on a State Lottery-themed shirt. The lottery's a beloved form of state-sanctioned gambling, and therefore much less harmful to society than weedwear.

[Journal Star]