Taylor Lautner and Lily Collins' fairytale romance has ended. Justin Bieber is renting out the Staples Center for a romantic surprise. Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux are buying paintings. Saturday gossip is here!

  • Young heterosexual smush-face Taylor Lautner has dumped his girlfriend Lily Collins only one week before the premiere of their new movie, The Night Porter 2: The Legend of Hitler's Gold. "It was a clean break that Taylor initiated," a source tells Us, because Lautner "wants to be single for a while," and enjoy having straight vaginal sex, with women. It was apparently "awkward" at the premiere party, possibly because Collins' dad Phil kept following Lautner around and singing "In the Air Tonight" under his breath. [Us]
  • Justin Bieber "corralled" the entire Staples Center (for free!) for a private screening of Titanic, attended only by Bieber and his girlfriend Selena Gomez. He got the idea from the Adam Sandler movie Mr. Deeds, so. [TMZ]
  • Jennifer Aniston and and Justin Theroux spent $450,000 on a painting at a charity auction! It's a painting of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie having sex. No, kidding, it's just some squiggles. Art! [Us]
  • Mad Men's January Jones refused to name the father of her baby on the birth certificate, possibly because the baby is the messiah, even if it is named "Xander." [TMZ]
  • How often did Crystal Harris have sex with Hugh Hefner? is a question that people are apparently asking, for some reason. Harris says: Only one time, ever. Hefner says: Once a week. He also says he had sex with her "and a girlfriend," in case you wanted to spend an extra few minutes thinking about Hef's penis and balls. [People]
  • Apparently Sean Penn was instrumental in the release of American hikers Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer from Iranian prison, through diplomatic pressure he exerted on Venezuelan President and Iranian ally Hugo Chavez and the sensual dance he performed for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. [NYDN]
  • Still worrying about Tareq Salahi? Don't! He went to to former New York madam Kristin Davis' birthday as her date. And that was the last we ever heard of the Salahis. [Page Six]

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