[There was a video here]

Here's a trailer for Joyful Noise, the new church choir movie (yes) that stars Queen Latifah (yes!) and Dolly Parton (yessssssss!). So basically this is the buchest, straightest movie of the year!

Except ha ha, no of course it is not. It is deeply gay! And deeply Christian? That is an interesting intersection to walk through at the multiplexes and it will be interesting to see how it all works out. I mean, Queen La and Dolly are in it, so how could it not work amazingly, amazingly well?

Plus there's all this other singing! From the likes of Keke Palmer and current Newsies (at the Paper Mill) star Jeremy Jordan. (Haha, no, fellow weirdo, not that Jeremy Jordan, but that is exactly who I thought of at first too.) Look how good this movie looks! Jessie L. Martin is in it! Joyful noise! Meaning singing!

Mostly it is just so good to see Parton back on the big screen after a long hiatus. Has she had a starring role since Straight Talk? I don't know that she has. So this is very exciting. And pairing her up with Queen Latifah? Genius. Genius, I tell you!

So yes, again, this is very much a "dude movie" and you'll probably be dragged there by your boyfriends, ladies. Hate to break it to you.