Developing Your Calves Means Standing Up to Bullying

We all know that bullying blows. This month, all you have to do to support the anti-bullying movement is to check into Crunch Fitness on Facebook. Any check-in at any of the 31 national locations prompts Crunch to donate $1 to PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center.
Members, mosey down to your local Crunch and check in on Facebook. You'll look good, feel great, and throw a decisive bit of warmandfuzzy energy into the world.
Not a Crunch member? Not a problem. Click here to redeem your free 5-day pass, find a Crunch near you, and get to checking in so your philanthropic dollar gets added to Crunch's $25,000 goal.
So check in for charity, people! Think of the karmic value of such a selfless act: you'll probably never have to wipe down the elliptical after that corpulent dude in the Spring Break T-shirt ever again.