In your vivacious Wednesday media column: important media person loves puppies, a publisher's going to jail, NBC News decides to stand for something, Bloomberg View's editor is out, an NYT writer goes to HuffPo, and how to be a dick.

  • Just after starting her gig as the first female editor of the New York Times, Jill Abramson has even bigger news: her book Puppy Diaries is about to be released. It will be the first puppy writing from a top NYT editor, unless you count all of Bill Keller's columns.
  • Peter Labovitch, the president of community newspaper publisher Connection Newspapers, is going to the slammer for six months for tax evasion. The only question is, why doesn't this happen more? Probably because most newspaper company bosses do not dodge $1 million in taxes.
  • Steve Capus, the president of NBC News, said this after the network's big old "Education Nation" event: "It's okay for a news division to stand for something - in this case, let's stand for education and improving it in this country." That's the type of outrageous liberal MSM spin that will get Palin elected in 2012! Tea Party slogans!
  • James Rubin is out as executive editor of Bloomberg View after less than a year because he just wasn't "the right fit," which is just what you would expect to happen when you hire a former assistant secretary of state to head your journalism opinion operation, so duh.
  • Poaching news! NYT Parenting/ Motherlode writer Lisa Belkin is leaving to join the Huffington Post. She tells John Koblin that she seeks more of "the constant interaction with readers, the feedback." Wait until she finds out HuffPo readers are stupid!
  • Enron finder-outer Bethany McLean and former NYT media reporter Geraldine Fabrikant are both joining Reuters as columnists. Those guys are on fire over there!
  • Confused about how to make everyone think you're a dick? See here.