How to Annoy Facebook

Are you pissed off at Facebook for, whatever? (Yes you are.) Users of the popular message board Reddit have undertaken a systematic campaign to annoy Facebook using arcane European privacy laws that force the company to mail their personal data to them on a CD. Heroes, one and all.
A popular thread on Reddit features instructions on "how to annoy Facebook." The instructions are as follows:
1. Open this site:…
2. Enter your personal information
3. Make a reference to the following law: "Section 4 DPA + Art. 12 Directive 95/46/EG"
4. Click on Send
This is annoying to Facebook because the page is a "personal data request" form, which requires that Facebook send you your personal data, in the mail, burnt onto a CD.
Provided you're European, that is. See, in Europe, where they still have the quaint 20th-century value known as "privacy," there are laws known as "right to access," which requires companies to promptly send customers' all of the personal information they collect on them if asked. (See this Forbes article for more details.) A group called Europe v. Facebook recently started a campaign to get Europeans to request their data from Facebook, which likely spawned the Reddit post. Now the campaign's been so successful that Europeans who request their data from Facebook are being warned that "we are experiencing a significant delay" in processing them.
Good job, internet! You know the last big tech company whose business model required it to send out thousands of CDs was AOL, and look where they are now.
[Photo via Getty]