We always suspected, and now the New York Times has confirmed, that global social media juggernaut Facebook is importing vast quantities of Silicon Valley dorkitude into New York. And there are pictures to prove it.

Facebook recently expanded, relocated and redesigned its Gotham offices, the Times said, to "incorporate the upstart flair of the headquarters in California" with things like "an open bar, video games and threadbare couches that reflect the dorm-room sensibilities."

That's certainly the vibe we got from the slideshow pictures above (dig the caster board). It's just very odd that in the center of the nation's hub for fashion, design and commerce, Facebook is taking its office cues from a sweaty 27 year old PHP programmer on the other side of the country. So strange. Surely you young internet tycoons can manage to be cooler than laptop-tapping blogger monkeys.

[Screenshots via New York Times]