South Korean media discovered Kim Jong-Il's grandson's Facebook page on Saturday and are having a field day picking over his blog and photo galleries. Turns out he's just a geeky high schooler who likes American movies and gets in comments flame wars.

16-year-old Kim Han Sol is the son of Kim Jon-Il's exiled eldest son, Jong Nam. He lives in Macau and China, and just enrolled in boarding school in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Judging from his Facebook pictures, the fact that his grandfather is the world's most notorious dictator hasn't impeded his social life.

The picture that's been attracting the most attention is the one above of Han Sol and a girl, above. Writes the Daily NK:

An intimate photo taken with a young woman has attracted interest because Kim captioned the photo with a comment, "I'm going to miss you so much." The woman responded with her own comment saying "I love you too, yeobo" ("yeobo" being the way a Korean husband and wife address each other, though probably out of context given Kim's youthful age).


Han Sol's blog posts and Facebook status updates also caused a stir, as they seem to be at odds, politically with his grandfather. According to the Chosunilbo, he posted a poll on his Facebook account asking if people preferred Democracy over communism, saying he liked the former. This is not surprising, given that Han Sol's father was exiled from North Korea over his pro-Western leanings. But pretty sure grandpa would purge him for less than that!

Han Sol had a couple Twitter accounts as well, and a blog (all since deleted)—the blog listed "Love Actually" and "Remember the Titans" as his favorite movies, and his interests as traveling, photography and "spa." Good to see he's not taking after his grandfather and secretly building nuclear weapons in his spare time.

However, Han Sol apparently shares Kim Jong Il's distate for Americans, as evidenced by a long flame war he apparently got in with someone named NickyAmerica in the comments section of a YouTube video posted to North Korea's official account. "Fuck off fatty," he tells NickyAmerica…. "go drop your cigarette and your cheesburger and go read a book. I'd suggest you to go study some geography."

This all brings up the question, What's more mortifying for a teen: Having your internet footprint picked apart by international media, or having a tyrannical grandfather who once had a woman executed for spurning his advances? [via aaronkorea]