Kristin Davis Is a Star Again

Charlotte York MacDougal Goldenblatt herself has the lead in a new TV movie. Also today: The Biggest Loseer loses, 2 Broke Girls are rich, Julia Stiles gets a plum role, and Lizzy Caplan shows up.
- Kristin Davis, the Sex and the City prig turned lame family comedy supporting actress, has worked out a deal with Lifetime: Television For Winter Sunday Afternoons to produce and star, actually star, in a movie about mental illness. In Of Two Minds she'll play a woman whose sister (the great Tammy Blanchard) suffers from schizophrenia. So they'll fight and make up and there will be lessons taught and it will all look vaguely cheap and Canadian, as all Lifetime movies do. I'm actually convinced that they all take place in the same wintry, stark, boring city-town. There's an ugly shopping mall with an empty parking lot and a lot of dark wood houses and a boring high school. Lifetimeburg, Canada. Not a great place to live. But occasionally a fun place to visit! [Deadline]
- The full-season pickups continues and today's success story is CBS' 2 Broke Girls, a show about two waitresses at the "diner" at Epcot's Brooklynland section. There's a horse involved, so it's also an animal comedy. And a stereotypical Chinese guy, so that's in there too. Oh and hipster jokes! Mostly about the kinds of hats that hipsters wear. In the first episode it was those floppy knit hats and in the second it was fedoras. I didn't see what the hat joke was in the third episode because after the girl fell in a pile of horse poop in the second episode and there were at least three jokes about Kat Dennings' vagina, I figured it was maybe time to pack it in. Not really my thing. But apparently it's plenty of other people's thing! And that's America. [THR]
- Hm. This is interesting. Apparently people don't watch The Biggest Loser anymore? At least they didn't last night. Its earned its lowest fall ratings ever, sputtering across the finish line with only 5.6 million viewers tuning in. I guess that means America's weight problem is almost solved? Everyone who used to watch at home took the show's extreme, borderline dangerous methods and applied them to their own lives and either died or lost the weight, so either way have no more use for the show. So apparently we just have 5.6 million people to go. Come on, Blubmericans! Do what needs doing so Jillian and the soap opera lady can go home and get some rest. You've had a bajilion chances so far. Just come on and move that bus! Is that what they say on this show? I don't know. [EW]
- Here's a strange thing. Or rather something that would have sounded strange back in '93 or '94 but now is just like "Oh, OK." Snoop Dogg will star in a sitcom pilot for NBC. It's about a family man raising a brood of crazy kids. Snoop Dogg has become Patrick Duffy, basically. Or, y'know, Ice Cube. Back when we were getting blazed to Doggystyle I really don't think we'd ever think this possible. But time changes and ages and erodes us all. Oh well. [THR]
- Padua High's resident feminazi Julia Stiles has landed a part in David O. Russell's upcoming movie The Silver Linings Playbook, alongside an eclectic cast of Jacki Weaver, Robert De Niro, Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, and Chris Tucker. Strange! But Russell did strange casting before to nice effect with I Heart Huckabees (Mark Wahlberg is not exactly the first person you think of when you think existentialist philosophy comedy), so there's no reason to dismiss this off-hand as Too Weird. And, I mean, we don't really do that here anyway, do we? Too Weird is probably Good Weird! [Deadline]
- The delightful Lizzy Caplan has landed a multi-episode guest arc on Fox's new hit show New Girl, playing a love interest for the character played by Jake Johnson. I'm guessing it's not this Jake Johnson. It's probably the other one. I mean who knows! That show is just quirrrkkyyy enough to cast a small boy as one of the pals. Though it'd just be cruel to make Lizzy Caplan date him. You know what else is cruel? That Lizzy Caplan doesn't have her own television show right now. She really should. They can call it Newer Girl and she won't sing or do anything annoying she'll just be fun and cool and it will be filmed at my house. Fair? Oh and that Max Greenfield from New Girl (but more importantly from Veronica Mars) can come. He's welcome to stay the night in fact. For filming! Of course. For filming. [THR]
[Photo via Getty]