In his coked-up past, this actor used to have very crazy sex with a famous actress, a relationship he's detailed in his book. This couple is helping people with low-interest loans and this other couple is having a messy divorce. We can't wait for their tell-alls.

1. "This is one of my favorite blind items in awhile. Anyway, there is a manuscript that is floating around town that was written by a former almost A lister. I mean he was close. Starred in a set of franchise films but after those went by the wayside he has pretty much stayed with television. Been on two very big hit shows in the last few years, but probably just a B- lister and that is only because so many people would know our actor's name when you hear it. In the manuscript our actor writes about how he and this almost A list television actress on a very hit network show who was a B lister back in the day when this happened, used massive amounts of cocaine and through cocaine is how he got our actress into some very kinky sex. Our actor was into watching our actress with other men. He wrote about how she did not want to do this but he used drugs and manipulation to get her to do this. He admits that he was not in his right mind while using and is regretful about his behavior back then and was very controlling of her but he didn't have a problem recounting the details in this manuscript.

Once our actor had a male acquaintance come over to our actor's New York apartment. They were coked up. Our actress came home and was upset with our actor about something he was supposed to do but he didn't. He couldn't recount what she was upset about. He talked our actress into sitting down with them and to snort some cocaine and calm down. Our actress was still mad at our actor and began flirting heavily with the friend. Our actor wrote that after a little while he looked up and our actress and the friend were kissing in front of him. The friend began kissing her neck while our actress stared at our actor. Both of them were turned on. Our actor describes that he watched in silence as our actress orally serviced the friend while she was still staring at our actor. The friend finished and left and our actor began yelling at our actress. Huge argument that led to sex on the floor of his apartment. That was the first of many stories of the two in the one section of the book where he talks about their life together. There are others including several arguments our actor had with our actress and the makeup sex they would have. Very detailed. Infidelities on both of their parts and how our actor made our actress describe exactly what she did sexually with other men while they were high. Very intense sexual relationship that led to an engagement but fizzled when our actress wanted a different lifestyle. Pretty crazy chapter. The only good one in the whole manuscript." [CDaN]

2. "This low-key couple, both actors (one in television and one in film) have been spending one day a week doing Kiva loans together for people all over the world. Our source says they want to keep it low key and private because it's something that brings them closer together, but each week they take turns picking out a different person to loan to." [BuzzFoto]

3. "This divorcing star couple originally agreed to an amicable split, but they've now gone back on their promise to keep each other's dirty laundry private! The battling soon-to-be-exes have been having their assistants leak each other's not-so-pleasant personal habits to the press!" [National Enquirer]