You Probably Didn’t Get to See Samantha Ronson DJ Last Week, But We Did

What do you get when you mix throngs of revelers on a downtown roof, a celeb DJ, made-to-order tacos, a slew of glow sticks, dumplings served out of an actual rickshaw, copious amounts of liquor, and more Pop Rocks than anyone should have access to? Oh, you know, just a typical Thursday night at the good ol' H.Q. Last Thursday Gawker Media hosted an event demurely known as "FuX THE NOISE"—our second-annual silent disco.
After braving a line that, at times, snaked down two flights of stairs, guests were ushered into a glowing playground, decorated with ghostly LED-illuminated balloons, thousands of shining glow sticks, and enough toys and candy to entertain even the oldest of ravers. Gawker Artist Brian Stevenson provided the hallucinogenic custom backdrop for the MRI Lightpainting photo booth, where guests could see their swirling neon visages projected across the party. Those who wanted to stay out of the literal limelight could cozy up next to the bar or indulge in tasty bites from Rickshaw Dumplings or relish a handmade taco from Tacombi.
Hundreds of beautiful, DayGlo-clad partygoers decked out in state-of-the-art headphones danced in front of the modified Kinect projection wall, while hardly a peep of music leaked into our occasionally grouchy neighbor's ears. Everyone had their choice of music: the beats of DJ Tantric and DJ Kalkutta (our opening acts) or Gawker CTO Tom Plunkett's specially-curated Spotify playlist—which prompted headlining DJ Samantha Ronson to jokingly prophesize pre-set, "I'll be DJ-ing and someone has terrible rhythm, and I'm like, ‘They're so not dancing to the song that I'm playing', but in this particular instance, that could actually be real!"
The surprisingly un-fedora-ed Samantha "Super Into DayGlo" Ronson went on around 10 (who brought friend and Good Charlotte brother, Josh Madden), and folks danced as if the Pixy Stix rapture had finally come. Many of the dancers lived up to Samantha's predictions (there were definitely some, uh, interesting moves happening). Whether this was in response to contrasting music, a prolonged exposure to strobe lights, or an attempt to keep warm is irrelevant—because as the energy spiked and the music in our heads swelled, there was a sense that collectively, we had indeed FuXed the noise.
As an added bonus to an already amazing evening, on the way out, everyone got a free custom ice cream sandwich from the Coolhaus truck parked outside. Gawker: 1. Noise: 0.
Photo by Noah Fowler.