Great news: a new OFFICIAL video release from Chet Hanks a.k.a. Chet Haze, the Midwest's number one Northwestern University movie star scion rap artist of the present generation! This one is sure to drainerade the haterade awayerade!

Here we see Chet playing a photographer and taking pictures of a pretty blond girl. I think that pretty blond girl really likes him! Is it his nice jewelry or his nice clothes? Or is it just the unmistakeable Chet Haze mystique? What we know for sure is that his pretty blond girl likes putting her face very close to Chet's and accompanying him to events at which the paparazzi is all over him, so why don't they just get out of Chet's face, for once? He's trying to film a music video/ softcore faux sex tape with paid model here, guys. Drinking champagne and taking pictures of pretty girls is just what Chet Haze likes to do, as he sings songs. Check out the cross he wears on a chain. Chet Haze is: Jesus, of Hollywood.

Cool story.

[via BroBible]