Well, look what burbled up in the Turkish blogosphere: pictures of deposed Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi's son Hannibal cavorting with wife Aline Skaf, who familiarizes herself with "porn star" poses, in flammable-looking lingerie. You'd think all that blood money would pay for nicer panties?

Lest you've lost track of which monstrous Gaddafis are which, Aline is the one accused of brutally torturing a maid by pouring boiling water over her face.

Hannibal is the son accused of beating servants with belts and clothes hangers; pulling a gun on a cop in France; beating another cop with a fire extinguisher in Italy; and beating his above-mentioned wife when she was eight months pregnant and he had a gun in his hand.

Beyonce serenaded him, once.

[JonTurk via Egotastic]