Here we have a perfectly rational, not-at-all-insane news report, introduced by a sober anchor, about how Snoop Dogg reached out to a Welshman named Ian Neale, whom he'd stumbled upon on YouTube discussing a noteworthy accomplishment: Neale grew the world's largest rutabaga, or "swede" as they are known in the U.K. — short for Swedish turnip.

Naturally, Snoop, who had an upcoming gig in Cardiff, did what any profoundly baked hip-hop superstar would do when confronted with a YouTube video of a man discussing having grown the world's largest turnip: He taped a personal invitation to Neale to "come backstage and see me, and tell me your secret, and see my vegetables, so you can grow that into a real big vegetable." In case what he meant wasn't clear, the backdrop of his video was a forest of marijuana leaves. This wasn't just an idle offer. Neale took Snoop up on it, and was given the VIP treatment. The end.

P.S. Whoever handles the WTF?-arm of Snoop's public relations needs: Stellar job. Seriously, above and beyond the call of duty. [SKY News/YouTube via The Daily What]