Alex Torres (born: Alexandre Boisvert; aliases: VooDoo Child, Voodoo, Voo Doo, Lex) is a French Canadian skydiver and porn actor currently living in California, who wanted to get the attention of Howard Stern. So he shot a video (NSFW link here), set to Katy Perry's "E.T.", of him having sex with Hope Howell, a receptionist at Skydive Taft School in Bakersfield, where he works. But they weren't just having sex. They were having sex in the plane. They were having sex as they jumped out together. And they were still having sex as they hurtled towards the ground. (I'm sure you think you know where this is going, but the two landed safely and without incident, and at no point did Howell reach behind her to pull the ripcord and accidentally tear Voodoo's dick off.)

Torres then posted the video to his website, and it started to make the rounds at a local high school. That's when the authorities got involved. No one actually saw them, so they can't be nabbed on public indecency charges, but having sex on a plane could be a violation of federal regulations — particularly as it occurred in this tape, seated in a jump seat right next to the pilot. The Federal Aviation Administration is currently reviewing the tape to see if the pilot was distracted.

Meanwhile — sex while skydiving. Hot? Too risky? Our lines our open.