Reddit administrators shut down the popular message board's controversial "Jailbait" section last week after a user used it to distribute child porn. Jailbait's thousands of subscribers were devastated. But, rejoice, pedophiles: Jailbait's back!

During its long and storied reign, Jailbait was home to thousands of pervs who used it to share suggestive pictures snatched from underaged girls' social networking accounts. But when a Jailbait user apparently shared explicit pictures of a 14-year-old girl last week, Reddit administrators shut it down. Not for being exploitative and creepy, but because it threatened "the structural integrity of the greater reddit community," whatever that means. (That the site, which is owned by the same company as Conde Nast, was targeted by CNN's Anderson Cooper a couple of weeks ago probably didn't help.)

Now Reddit users are banding together to save their beloved pedophile masturbation aid community. Just a few days after Jailbait was shut down, "The New Jailbait" was launched.

The board's moderator, MasticateFish, announced the start of "Operation: SOJB (Save our jailbait)," which aims to reconstruct as much as the original Jailbait as possible. Currently 148 "ephebophiles" (i.e. pedophilia apologists) subscribe to the board. Already, we spotted a picture of Angie Varona on the forum, the 17-year-old Miami girl whose life was ruined by creepy old dudes sharing her hacked pictures.

In fact, Jailbait never really left Reddit, as this handy guide shows. There remains "Jailbait Videos," "Jailbait Archives," and many other forums dedicated to creeping on kids. Most intriguing is a private, "by invitation only" section dedicated to Male Jailbait.

An invitation-only message board for pedophiles to share pics of underage kids . That sort of reminds us of something… oh yeah, Dreamboard. But, hey, as long as nobody's structural integrity is threatened!

A Reddit administrator did not respond to request for comment.