[There was a video here]

If you ever need to convince someone that show business is a chauvinist boys club, just play them this clip explaining how, sometime in the 1990s, Saturday Night Live executive producer Lorne Michaels wanted to install a woman as Weekend Update anchor for the first time in a decade, but abandoned the idea after his hero Steve Martin said "some broad" had "fucked everything up" when co-hosting an awards show with him.

Former Update anchor Norm Macdonald, who recounted the story (embedded above) on comedian Marc Maron's "WTF" podcast, was also against the idea, saying, "I don't want to fucking do [Update] with a lady." Michaels, for his part, pitched the female co-anchor to Macdonald as someone who will "give you the sex." The idea was nixed, and Update would go without a regular female anchor until 2000 — 18 years after the last one — when Tina Fey paired with Jimmy Fallon and then Amy Poehler.

Of course, Macdonald could be misremembering or taking liberties here. Michaels did eventually put Fey on Update, after all. And, I mean, if sexism was so blatant at the top levels of television, wouldn't we be constantly hearing stories of what a horribly patriarchal place it is? (Oh, right.)