New Jersey state senate candidate Phil Mitsch knows just what America needs to get his awful state back on track: tax reductions, something called "mandatory mortgage loan modifications on at risk residential properties," and more cooperation from the ladies. "Women, you increase your odds of keeping your men by being faithful, a lady in the living room and a whore in the bedroom," he recently tweeted.

Even though dispensing retro sex advice to thousands of strangers while running for public office seems like a winning campaign strategy, the leaders of New Jersey's Republican party want Mitsch to drop out of the race, UPI reports. However, the man himself is adamant that his advice is only "sensible" and "great" and not at all sexist or whatever. Besides, he got the idea from Mick Jagger's ex-wife Jerry Hall, so if you don't like it then you're sexist.

"I always have and always will put women on a pedestal because I have deep respect for them," he recently wrote on (where else?) his Twitter—which he uses to provide a constant stream of "motivational tips" and questions on the pressing love issues of the day, such as this one: "why do they call it "falling" in love when the feeling is so uplifting ??" Surely he will discover the answer, if the voters give him the opportunity. So come on, New Jersey, and do whatever it takes to elect this guy. We need more philosophical "big thinker" types in office.

Update!!!!111!!: We had some time to explore Mitsch's Twitter feed a bit and—after scrolling back by about 800,403 tweets—learned that he gave this advice to men on the same early September day he advised the ladies: "increase your odds of keeping your women by being faithful, a gentleman in the living room and a stud in the bedroom. So at least he's playing it fair. Also from the same day (September 2, for the record) are these gems: "When a woman lets a man make love to her she is really letting him make love to her heart and soul"; "To hell with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Just give me passion"; and "A little sex everyday keeps the doctor away. Screw the apple" (uh, no thanks!). Not really sure how any of these opinions relate to standard state senatorial duties, but maybe there's something about New Jersey politics that I just don't understand.