This former TV star went on a week-long coke binge after the co-star he was sleeping with bedded two other co-stars. An entirely different former sitcom actor hooked up with the actor who played his brother. But just once. He's not, you know, gay or anything.

1. "Back in the day, there was a very popular sitcom on the air. It was on one of the big 3, although the 4th network did exist at the time. It was also long running. Anyway, the star (A- list then and now probably a C+) of the show was kind of coming into his own and testing the dating market. He had not done much previous to the show and was enjoying all the female attention. One person he was interested in was a co-star on the show (B- list then. Now, you probably don't even know her name). A little older but so good looking. He was head over heels for her, but she was so far ahead in the school of life that it was comical to watch. She humored him and one day she had a lot to drink and they had sex. To her, not a big deal. To him? It was love. In order to keep up with her he started drinking and doing coke because that is what she was doing and he wanted another chance with her. Every so often she would. Meanwhile, the star was a wreck. The drinking and drugs were out of control. So, a little time passes and our star goes to make a movie. This leaves the co-star behind and she hooks up with this guest star (at the time a no one. Later A list and now still a B) on the show. Well, when our actor comes back and finds this out he is devastated and the spiral downward which had stopped when he was shooting the movie is back on again. She explains to the actor that they were not exclusive and he was away after all. So, the actor resumes his puppy dog ways, until he goes out one night and spots the co-star making out with a gentleman who was also with the show and who was about double the age of the co-star. At this point our star goes on a week long drug and alcohol binge that was legendary for years. And this was at a time when people could spend some money on coke. This was out of control. It lasted for one week then he snapped out of it, went to the producers and said he would walk unless the co-star was fired. She was. Never spoke to her again." [CDaN]

2. "This D list actor, who is most well known for being a son on a sitcom that was on during the late '80s and early '90s, once acted in a family movie that was made for television. He told a source that several years later, he met up with a child actor that played his sibling on the movie and hooked up with him, only once. The D list actor is straight." [BuzzFoto]

3. "The first incident was a couple of months ago. She told friends that she had pulled a muscle during a fitness session. A few weeks later, there were bruises on her arm. She attributed those to roughhousing with the kid/s. Then there was the black eye, skillfully hidden from view with makeup and a baseball cap. She told her friends that she got it when she pulled a book off a high shelf and it hit her in the face. Her friends think that those are an awful lot of excuses for anyone, but especially for an actress whose husband who is known for his quick temper." [Blind Gossip]