Here's 92-year-old American treasure Pete Seeger, accompanied by Arlo Guthrie, Tom Chapin and David Amram, as well as grandson Tao Rodriguez-Seeger, singing "This Little Light" at Columbus Circle at around midnight last night. Seeger and the other musicians had a performance at Symphony Space on the Upper West Side on Friday evening; afterward, the group joined a crowd of about 1,000 for a march 30 blocks south (singing the entire way) to Columbus Circle, where they set up a small performance. (In the video, Seeger, wearing a red hat, is sitting just to the right of Amram, who's playing a... whistle? Pipe? Flute?)

The next morning the action returned to Zuccotti Park, where one protester scaled the enormous (40-foot!) red sculpture, and threatened to stay up there until Mayor Bloomberg resigned. Police brought him down at 9:13 a.m. following two hours of discussions and took him to Bellevue; he's apparently from Toronto. Mayor Bloomberg did not resign.

Oh, and there's a new Associated Press-GfK poll about the occupation: 37 percent of Americans, mostly Democrats, support the protests, and 58 percent of Americans describe themselves as "furious" about the country's politics.