Libyan news organization Freedom Group just posted this video of the moments directly after Libyan rebels captured former dictator Muammar Gaddafi. It's the clearest video yet of Gaddafi's arrest, and unsettling to watch; as in previous videos, there's no direct evidence that the dictator was summarily executed (as has been speculated), but the footage of a bloody, seemingly terrified Gaddafi being shoved and hit in the head doesn't inspire faith in the restraint of his captors. (Michael Van Poppel of Breaking News, working off this Global Post video of the same scene, thinks that Gaddafi was "sodomized" by one of his captors, apparently with a rifle.)

Also not inspiring faith: an autopsy finds that Gaddafi died from a gunshot wound to the head—not a surprise, obviously, but not on the other hand exculpatory evidence. The U.S., among others, is calling for a full investigation into Gaddafi's capture and death.

[via @blakehounshell]