In the wake of an international scandal in which a toddler was run over and left to die in the street, China's communist government is cracking down on public morals. Step one: banning reality television shows.

The government's State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has put in place firmer restrictions against just what kind of programming its 23 satellite channels can show. It's especially going after reality shows, talent shows, variety shows, anything that shows marital troubles or divorce, and shows about match-matching. But there's also a specific restriction against shows that are vulgar or "overly entertaining." Oh, OK, so now TV isn't supposed to be entertaining? What are they running over there? NBC?

The government seems to think it can have a stronger grip over popular culture if the networks show more news-based programming. So now each channel can only show two "restricted" programs in primetime, and the two combined shows can't exceed a total of 90 minutes. They also have to air two hours of news programming in primetime? I'm sorry but any country where I don't even have the choice not to watch the Kardashians isn't really a country I want to live in.

[Hollywood Reporter]