Live Blogging Project Runway: The Season Finale

Happy Pre-Halloween-Weekend Eve! Why not spend it with us, watching a pumpkin-colored Michael Kors and his fellow judges crown this season's Project Runway champion? The season finale is nigh, and we're live-blogging it in the comments. Join us!
If you've never heard of Pre-Halloween-Weekend Eve, that's because I just invented it. It's a holiday that occurs on the evening preceding the weekend before Halloween, and It's celebrated by observing the rites of drinking your favorite drink and/or ingesting your favorite substance while participating in our Project Runway commenter live blog. I'm sure you already know how to do the drinking/ingesting part, so here's how to do the live-blogging part: First, settle down in front of your TV with your computer handy, and tune in to Project Runway (which starts at 9 pm Eastern on Lifetime). Then, join the rest of us as we all use the comments section below to post witty quips and observations about the episode while we watch it. You'll be feeling that festive Pre-Halloween-Weekend-Eve spirit in no time!
Last week's live blog was certainly a spirited affair—one that produced scads of witty comments, a few of which I've collected in a separate post. Here are a few of the highlights from our live-blogging experience last Thursday:
- As Tim Gunn visited the designers' homes, we had fun recalling our favorite "home visit" moments from seasons past—like the time Tim got startled by a leaping catfish in Hawaii, or the time he was presented with turtle poop by one of Laura Bennett's kids.
- We tried to count all the deceased loved ones discussed by the home visits. I think the final tally was two dead moms and two dead brothers. Commenter Otterbird dubbed the episode "Go Fish: Personal Tragedy Edition" due to all the dead-relative cards the designers played.
- During a commercial break, commenter AubreySilver quipped: "Why is Ashton Kutcher a spokesman for anything? The only decent thing he's ever been in is Demi Moore."
- After Anya recovered from a crying jag and pulled it together enough to survive elimination, commenter borucaintexas observed: "She just put on her big dreamcatcher earrings and they took all her sad thoughts away!"
Speaking of emotional thoughts, it makes me wistfully happy to think that, at long last, we've reached the season final together—following what's been an admittedly subpar season, with a few too many boring personalities. (Remember Sad Cecelia? I wish I didn't.) But at least now, in the end, we've got a talented and likeable favorite to root for in Anya—and an entertainingly self-absorbed and bitchy villain to root against in Josh—so this is shaping up to be a fittingly fun episode to end our season of live-blogging together.
And at long last, we'll get to see the final runway shows they held almost six weeks ago at New York Fashion week. For those of you who want to take longer looks at all the pieces they'll be sending down the runway tonight, here are links to pictures of the collections shown by Anya, Josh, Kimberly and Viktor.
I've taken a look at a few excerpts from tonight's episode, so here's a little of what to expect:
- Josh will break down and cry on Anya's shoulder. He'd better be careful not get his head too close to her dreamcatcher earrings, or they may suck all the evil, manipulative mojo right out of his eyebrows.
- Tim will talk at great length to the designers about how different the judges' opinions are from his own. Perhaps last season's "Gretchengate" fiasco is still fresh in his mind?
- The guest judge will be designer, model and Mick Jagger squeeze L'Wren Scott. Fun fact: She was born "Luann," but decided to rename herself after that actress whose last name that means "bird" in French. You know… Sofia L'Wren.
- Viktor will tell us: "You gotta grab the handles. You gotta start the motorcycle. And you cannot let go, or it will fall down." It's a good thing for Viktor that this show isn't "Project Metaphor," because his metaphors suck.
You know what else is gonna suck? The next few months of Thursday nights without all your commenting company. Because I think y'all are the wittiest live-bloggers on the Web, and I'll miss you after tonight—except, that is, for those of you who join our Top Chef live blog, which starts next Wednesday night. So why not come back for that, and we can always be together?
OK, time to get this Pre-Halloween-Weekend-Eve party started. I'll see you down in the comments!